What people think
There is undoubtedly a need for products like The Water-Drop to make it easier for vulnerable people to access fluids without having to wait for help from a carer. The impact of this simple idea could be enormous in terms of prevented incidents of easily avoidable dehydration.
- Naomi Campbell RGN, Independent Hydration Nurse Specialist, Chair National Hydration Network, Associate board member Malnutrition Task Force, Director Hydration Care Consultancy Ltd
As a junior doctor I would set up as many as 20 intravenous drips each day to rehydrate patients. Around 60% of these would have been totally avoidable if the patients were able to easily access fluids without calling for help.
The Water-Drop is a brilliantly simple innovation that will bring huge benefits to the NHS by reducing the need for rehydrating drips, reducing risk of infections (particularly UTI and AKI), reducing length of stay and releasing time to care.
Now, as a GP, it is clear that the Water-Drop can also prevent many admissions to hospital from the community by preventing dehydration related problems. There are many avoidable admissions through falls, urinary infections, acute kidney injuries and other dehydration related issue – The Water-Drop will help prevent these at minimal cost.
- Dr S Derry BSc BMBS MRCGP, GP Partner at Petroc Group Practice, and Acute GP within the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust
I was an intensive care patient at The Bristol Royal Infirmary and I cannot praise the Water-Drop highly enough. In no way could I have stayed properly hydrated without it. I simply could not reach the drinks on the bedside table, and was too weak to lift them even if I could. The Water-Drop was a life saver.
- Charles Halden, Hospital Patient, Bristol